Our Story
Red Chick is the perfect symbol for a new generation of sun seekers and animal lovers. Red Chick Dry Goods Co. combines two great treasures, Block Island and the Rhode Island Red chicken.
The Rhode Island Red chicken is the official state bird. Developed in the Rhode Island, this near perfect fowl is noted for its character, russet color, and hardiness. Yes, and they are dignified, hardworking, and companionable.
The Red Chick logo design is the map of Block Island which on a NW axis is the shape of a chicken. Today the island is the most real and least spoiled of the popular southern New England destinations. And the idyllic, startingly beautiful place, with its working farms, can still be counted on to include the Rhode Island Red.
Forget the Bald Eagle, the Black Dog of the Vineyard, and the sacred cod of the Cape. The Red Chick is the new icon for all that is good about Yankee agriculture and hip culture.
Red Chick Dry Goods Co. is the only purveyor of the distinctive red clothing and accessories proudly adorned with the Block Island/Rhode Island icons.